9995 Family Crest Embroidery

9995 Family Crest Embroidery

■Crest: B-03 丸に剣片喰
■Thread color: No.8 Silver
■Position: Upper back
■Size: 6 cm in diameter
9992 Character Embroidery

9992 Character Embroidery

■Position: Lower part of right collar
■Size: About 2cm square/letter
■Font: 楷書体
■Thread color: No.5 Navy
9998 Simple Letter Embroidery

9998 Simple Letter Embroidery

■Position: Lower part of right collar
■Size: About 2cm square/letter
■Font: Serif font
■Thread color: No.8 Silver


9997 Picture Embroidery

9997 Picture Embroidery

■Flower: F-06 Sunflower
■Position: Upper right collar
■Size: About 3 square cm