9995 Family Crest Embroidery
■Crest: S-01 丸につる柏
■Thread color: No.8 Silver
■Position: Upper back
■Size: About 6cm in diameter
■Item: 1130 Chambray UV-Cutting Samue No.3 Royal Purple / L

9992 Character Embroidery
■Text: 義博
■Position: Lower part of the right collar
■Size: About 3cm square/letter
■Font: 楷書体
■Thread color: No.8 Silver
■Item: 1130 Chambray UV-Cutting Samue No.3 Royal Purple / L

Staff Comment
The customer ordered this samue as an outfit for going out on weekends and holidays.
The elegant yet gorgeous embroidery was created using silver thread on a purple fabric.