9992 Character Embroidery / 9992 Character Embroidery 9992 Character Embroidery

1130 Chambray UV-Cutting Samue No.1 Dark Navy / M 

9992 Character Embroidery

■Text: 初代辰俊■Position: Left chest
■Size: Within a 10 cm square■Font: 楷書体 ■Thread color: No.8 Silver
9992 Character Embroidery 9992 Character Embroidery

9995 Family Crest Embroidery

■Crest: S-01 中輪に変り桐車 ■Thread color: No.8 Silver
■Position: Upper back ■Size: 6 cm in diameter


Staff Comment

The customer ordered a samue along with the embroidery. The trade name and the original family crest look beautiful on the navy color fabric.