6001 Kasuri Tsumugi Samue

6001 Kasuri Tsumugi Samue No.10 Dark Navy / L
5'9" / 154 lbs (175 cm / 70 kg)
I bought this samue a year ago and I wear it quite often as my roomwear. The color has faded a little and it is starting to show its age, but I like it because it has a great taste.
This time I purchased a dark navy samue and a haori of the same color. I think the calm atmosphere is wonderful. It is warmer than I thought it would be, and I can rely on it on cold days.
Staff Comment
Thank you for your nice photo. We can see that you wear our samue and haori comfortably and we are happy to hear that you wear our items on a daily basis. It looks great to match the samue and haori in different colors and make it looks more stylish.
Thank you for your continued patronage.