1095 Omi Chijimi Hon'asa (Pure Ramie) Samue

1095 Omi Chijimi Hon'asa (Pure Ramie) Samue No.96 Blue / M
5'7" / 150 lbs (170 cm / 68 kg)
Size: Comfortable. The elastic on the pants is a little tight.
Wear it for relaxing, going out, working, enjoying hobbies, traveling
I wore this samue for about 10 days on a tour of hot Okinawan beaches. It was refreshing every time the sea breeze went through the samue. It is very practical as it dries in about 3 hours when I wash it lightly by hand and hang it on a pole to dry.

Staff Comment
Thank you for sending us these beautiful photos of you surrounded by clear blue sky and beautiful sea.
The blue color samue, which was added for the spring/summer 2024, also looks great in a fresh summer scene. It is also wonderful that thick-soled sandals can be worn with it to give it a modern image.
We hope you will enjoy wearing it comfortably every year as your daily summer wear.